T could also mean the air pressure tube from the sensor has a hole or isn t connected.
Kenmore elite he3 washer pressure switch.
2 the pressure sensor i d check the cable to it and the contacts.
Your home s washing machine has a tub that fills with a precise amount of water and agitates the clothes until they are free from soil.
Most common kenmore elite washer parts that need to be replaced.
The water level pressure switch senses controls and maintains the water level in the outer wash tub.
5 5 product ratings kenmore elite washing machine model 110 45962400 water level pressure switch.
The only advice i can recommend is to go back over the 3 main fixes and double check your work.
If the circuit is open then the switch is likely the problem nbsp.
If a meter is available you can check continuity across the two circled terminals nbsp.
I would also make sure i was using he.
If the wiring connections are okay you may need to replace the washer timer.
Before attempting any repair unplug the washer frist nbsp.
Check the wiring connections on the timer.
Wssher s is in in image below nbsp.
Kenmore elite he3 washing machine.
It is fairly cheap to replace.
Anyway it sounds like you ve got the kenmore washer from.
This video was uploaded from an android phone.
The diagram for the pressure switch on most he3 nbsp.
The switch is located beneath the top panel nbsp.
How to check a pressure switch on a washer.
It means the analog pressure sensor may have gone bad.